One Dulwich was set up at the end of April 2020. The group began with residents from Area B as defined in the Council's "Our Healthy Streets: Dulwich" (OHSD) consultation exercise. But we now have significant support from residents in Areas A and C. We also have a growing number of supporters from neighbouring streets that are not inside the OHSD zone but which are suffering from the traffic displacement caused by the road closures at Dulwich Village and Melbourne Grove. As at January 2022, the total number of supporters was in excess of 2,100.
See the graph below for the total number and geographical distribution of our supporters.
We belong to different political parties (or none) and come from a variety of backgrounds. What we have in common is that we enjoy living in Dulwich and appreciate the strong sense of community among friends and neighbours.
Anyone in the area is welcome to join us. Initially we asked those wanting to register support to read our document of 27 April 2020, but we now have a shorter version in the opening section of our ‘Mission’ statement. Please fill in the online supporters form. We are keeping a record of where our supporters live so that our support base can be evidenced to our local councillors. We won’t disclose individual addresses and we’ll respect any preferences for full anonymity. That said, we hope that as many of you as possible will wish to be openly and proudly associated with One Dulwich.